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There is a wide variety of traders in the wasteland, many of whom specialize in the sale of certain items. Merchants update their inventories after around 30 minutes. The exact time is unknow and is propably random.
Session 3 made visting merchants much more productive. Starting from now you can find various recipes in the shops that allows to create even the most powerful tier 3 items like Combat Armor. It is often worth to check shops, especially the ones at New Reno and San Francisco. Also the caps are now much harder to get so trading for them in the shops is not bad solution at all.
Protected Cities
This is the list of traders in protected cities.
Name and Location
Small offer. Sometimes spawn around 500 caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps.
Book seller. Accept only caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Name and Location
 Doc Zacharius
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Healing for: 350 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps.
By talking with him you can start: "Bring heartpills to Doc Zacharius" and "Bring radscorpion tails to Doc Zacharius" quests.
 Ron Winkley
He sells for caps stuff that prisoners had on them while being captured by guards. Is that legal? Who knowes, still its probably a way to regain back your stuff after doing something bad in Junktown. That is unless somebody else buy your stuff first.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps. (Where's the hell Jeremiah?)
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 50 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka Colas for: 100 caps each.
By talking with him you can start: "Benjamin and Kylee" quest.
Name and Location
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka colas: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Cigarettes: 100 caps each.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each.
Name and Location
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
 Mrs. Binderson
Book seller. Accept only caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each.
 Doctor Hub
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps. Offer by Dialog Chemical Components for: 300 caps each.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
By talking with him you can start: "I won't give you squat!" quest.
Name and Location
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
 Doctor August Oetker
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps. Teacher of Chemist level 1 profession.
Armor trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Guns and Ammunitions trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps. Sells cleaning bot by dialog for 10k each.
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450
Unprotected Cities
This is the list of traders in unprotected cities. Watch out for player killers!
Name and Location
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Teacher of Gunsmith level 2 profession.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka Colas for: 100 caps each.
 Doctor Holliday
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka Colas for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Cigarettes: 100 caps each.
Name and Location
General type trader. Everything non drug related.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Booze for: 5 caps each.
General type trader. It seems like this one is never spawning caps.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Booze for: 10 caps each.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Name and Location
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff. Spawn caps.
Offer by Dialog Kevlar Polymers for 500 caps each.
Name and Location
 Maida Buckner
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps. She offer beers by dialog but you won't get into inventory.
You can sell golden gecko's skins in form of mini quests.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 30 caps each.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
Name and Location
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
 Lee Balton
Armor type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
A level 2 armorer profession teacher.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps. Suprisingly she does not offer anything through the dialog. Well thats an unique bartender.
Name and Location
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka Colas for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Cigarettes: 100 caps each.
Despite being in Casino he's just general store type trader. Have plenty of caps and some useful items.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka Colas for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Cigarettes: 100 caps each.
He spawns tier 3 drugs such as Jet, Psycho and Buffout.
Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Teacher of Chemist level 3 profession.
Just a general store type trader. Have plenty of caps and some useful items. Since Eldridge was here during Fallout 2, most people will call this npc Eldridge even though in FOnline 2 he is just named: "Trader".
Name and Location
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps. She has a lot of dialog options but they all are just flavour. Useless woman...well nearly as 500 caps she sometimes spawn its something to keep in mind.
Small offer of medicines and spawn around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps.
Name and Location
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
This one generates the most caps in the whole FOnline 2. You can typically find about 2k caps on him.
 Doctor Fung
He spawn typical doctor's stuff like stimpaks and sometimes spawns tier 3 drugs such as Jet, Psycho and Buffout.
Offer by Dialog Antitoxins for: 600 caps. Offer by Dialog Healing for: 500 caps, Offer by Dialog Curring Addictions for: 450 caps. Offer by Dialog Chemical Components for: 200 caps each. Teacher of Chemist level 2 profession.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
This one generates the most caps in the whole FOnline 2. You can typically find about 2k caps on him.
General type trader. Offer lot of difrent stuff and spawns caps.
Armor's seller. Teacher of Armorer level 3 profession.
Bartender. Offer small amount of stuff. Spawns around 500 caps.
Offer by Dialog Beers for: 5 caps each. Offer by Dialog Boozes for: 10 caps each. Offer by Dialog Gamma Gulp Beers for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Roentgen Rums for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Nuka Colas for: 100 caps each. Offer by Dialog Cigarettes: 100 caps each.