[ The test has finished, Season 4 is not yet available. ]

- Tests are scheduled for:

December 22, 7PM - 10 PM GMT+1

December 23, 7PM - 10 PM GMT+1

The time might be extended if neccessary.

- Players will be in instanced locations. Every starting location can host up to a specific amount of people.

- You can join any arena or spawn instance by using commands and typing id

- For interested groups with player amount bigger than 12 we can host private arenas that require access code to enter. For such request please contact me on discord.

- We're hosting S4 on same host server as S3, if you're IP banned, you're IP banned, we're not lifting it.

- It's still an early beta test, we did our best to polish it and implement QoL features, yet do not expect for everything to be perfect.

- You will find all neccessary info in game after pressing F1 key.

- You can't change the cosmetic look you will begin the game with.

- There is no saving during testing. We wipe the game every game restart, so it means you will need to register again after a restart.

- Registration puts you in the game instantly, build is done after registration phase.

- We will provide google forms for feedback and bug reporting.