Hey, there folks, below is a summary of all changes since the last update. I hope you enjoy the progress made, have a nice read!
Summary of Updates
Junktown Scouts Jobs
Item Highlighter
Classic Contour Mode
New Interface
Doctor Skill
Scenery Cleanup, Database & Quests
Race Change, FEV
Fame Store
Vehicles & Modding
Worldmap Improvements
Vault City
Other Additions
Balance Changes
Junktown Scouts Jobs
Jobs are repeatable quests that randomly generate objectives and pick a map from a wide pool of unforgettable locations. Players can team up to do repeatable quests and gain experience and Junktown Scouts currency that allows for cheap purchase of early game equipment.
You will find them on the Junktown West entrance or use the noticeboard to be directed toward them.
Jobs have multiple difficulties, the harder the job, the more modifiers, and the shorter the deadline.
Every job has a deadline. If you fail to complete the objective in the time frame, you will get no reward.
Difficulties add modifiers, they range from a list of stat-altering modifications for enemies you will meet, modifiers that change the map to a radioactive version, and other various challenges.
Junktown Scouts Quartermaster sells items exclusively for this currency.
Jobs replaced noticeboard assignments completely.
This feature fills the early game gap to help players level up, learn the game in a safe environment, and be able to support themselves with low-tier equipment.
Rancher Perk in Charisma tree was now implemented, players are able to tame animals ( not beasts or monsters ) for them to become their companions.
To tame an animal you need to find an appropriate target in an encounter and use rope, which you can buy in most general stores.
The more wounded the animal is, the higher the chance of taming him.
Tamed animals will follow you everywhere and take your vehicle spot if you’re driving a car.
Animal stat depends on animal race and your amount of points invested in rancher perk. It does not matter if you tame a low-tier starving dog or a black wolf, visual style will be transfered but stats will be generated depending on the perk.
With the tamer trait, your companions will respawn after death, otherwise, companion death equals dismissing the companion.
Companions will auto-attack threats like monsters. They will not fight other players by default.
You can use Pings to give your companion commands, you can ping movement to make your companion go there or you can ping attack a target for your companion to prioritize this target or auto attack players, other companions.
Item Highlighter
A highlighter was implemented in the game, player can finally use hotkeys to highlight items and containers with separate keybinds.
Moused over items will auto-highlight.
Highlight color can be customized in settings.
There is no noticeable performance drop while using highlighter.
Classic Contour Mode
If you prefer original contours, just contours instead of full highlights. That is now an option.
New Interface
The interface is steadily receiving a refresh, all main game screen ui was redone with better performance and a new visual style.
The combat panel was minimized and now contains all vital information only.
Chat combat message styling was significantly improved.
Cooldowns no longer have circles and are just icons with timers. Drugs and some of other effects now merge into one cooldown to save up space. You can preview cooldowns in detail on mouseover. Cooldown with the lowest time remaining will display its time below the icon.
The dialog box was improved.
Doctor Skill
Medicine Skill was split into separate First Aid: Heal HP, Bleed, and Doctor: Heal crippled limbs. Both abilities are under Medicine skill and progress.
Scenery Cleanup, Database & Quests
We have cleaned up duplicate sceneries and art in the game, removed some unused things, altered some sceneries that artstyle did not fit to the game.
We have added plenty of new scenery and altered current maps to improve their look.
We’ve rewritten what information needs to be saved in the database and kept track of it. With hundreds of changes and optimization, we have improved server performance significantly.
We have restructured the whole Quest system, this is a change in the back end, players will not notice anything new, but all quest progress had to be reset.
Race Change, FEV
You can use FEV canisters to change your race. Those one-time-use canisters can be bought in the fame store, using them kills you and makes you respawn as other races.
Fame Store
Completing weekly achievements earns you fame, you can spend this fame in the Fame Store.
Fame store will contain some permanent rewards, and randomly picked rewards that will reroll every week with weeklies.
Players can now Whisper to friends, Message faction members, and quickly reply to whispers made by other players.
To quickly reply use /r message
To whisper to the player use /w playername message
Emote added, /e to emote
Dice Roll added, /roll number
Vehicles & Modding
All vehicles were rebalanced and now have different performances depending on the surface they pass through on Worldmap.
Vehicles can now be modified to alter and improve their stats.
You can install up to 3 car mods, mods can be pulled out from the car after installation so don’t hesitate to experiment!
You can also paint your vehicles by dragging paint onto the paint slot.
You will find vehicle mods in broken cars in red dot events on Worldmap and in some stores.
Worldmap Improvements
Improved fluidity of movement on Worldmap.
Player-made bases now display relabelled names instead of original ones.
Location colors were changed, and new circle art for the location was made.
Vault City
Vault City was redesigned.
Other Additions
You can now toggle settings to see overhead NPC names.
Frost filter that makes visual changes in dark nights, and dark areas.
Music Volume was adjusted for Consistency
Player pings will now display the name of the pinging player.
Ping’s art style and animation were improved.
Pings will now also be sent to your faction members, not only party members.
Protection from dismantling or dropping worn armor and weapons was added.
Favorite items are protected from dismantling.
Encounter messages containing two groups now merge into one.
The friend list was rewritten and now you will find it working properly and having the option to invite to the party, whisper, and remove from the friends list.
Encounters now scale only by the amount of players, NPC in the team are not counted in the multiplier.
There were 100+ Fixes made since the last update.